How about becoming Komako supporter today?
You will recieve any future perks automatically
Delete that one score you wish you didn't submit.
You can get rid off that ugly choke or C
rank upon request!
This feature is limited to 1 score per 24 hours.
More information per supporter perk is
available here.
You will have the opportunity to ask the administration to clear all the statistics for you, which will allow you to start the game over
Stand out in chat with a golden nickname and show that you are not like everyone else
You will be able to change your nickname and flag in your profile settings. A shift is available once a month and the number of shifts depends on the purchased months of the support
Going into the profile, the players will see that you love and support us
Even though we offer to play for free, we still have to pay for server upkeep. If we always paid out of pocket, firstly, we would go broke, and secondly, we would not have the opportunity to improve the server hardware to match the load. As the number of users increases, more advanced servers become necessary. That is why we ask you to help us in return for some awesome perks! :3.